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The Power of Graphic Design
By: Cynthia D'Luna Graphic Designer


As designers we know that coming up with a new idea for a business requires understanding of marketing, public relations and the consumer.

Every time we work with a new client on updating their image it is necessary to analyze the marketing tools and the image they have been working with in the past.  This will help us understand the Client’s style and the goals they want to achieve with their new look.

Once we have the purpose of the design we always work with the Client’s style and modify it in a way that will give their brand a look and feel that they are comfortable with, while creating an innovative and sophisticated look that will grow their business.

With the consumer in mind, we generate ideas that would convince us to purchase our Client’s products and then we know we are on the right track. This rule applies for every kind of design including print advertising, website or even business cards; for example when designing a new e-newsletter we know it has to have the information that people are going to be interested in and will go to the site for, but we need to make it easy to read, fun to navigate and aesthetically pleasing.

In the finished design, everything is relevant, highlights the message and exceeds expectations for client. Here are some of our latest creations, including before and after e-newsletters and website design, as well as newly designed logos - Jayasuriya & Associates and Sally Busby.

Latest Logo Design


Latest Logo Design