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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Web Design

In today's fast paced and information driven society, the art of communicating ideas through web design has become an essential and indispensable tool for driving online business. Every owner, from mom and pop bakeries, to restaurants and giant e-commerce superstores understand the importance of creating an online presence. While racing to plaster their brand across every available web platform in the name of capturing their fair share of the market, the understated value of quality web development has become lost in the shuffle. With user interaction and accessibility increasing on a global scale, the focus on creating quality brand-consistent web design for online and mobile devices should be at the forefront of any successful business model. Professional web design can capture the casual browser and transform the user experience into much more than one that simply conveys information, it can be an essential tool towards driving brand growth. Follow these tips to make sure your brand ends up on the favorable side of the good, the bad and the very ugly of web design.

The best way to understand what makes quality web design is to realize what doesn't work. Most people browse the Internet on a daily basis, and for a variety of reasons. Whether it be for work, shopping, reading reviews, or booking events, users have come to expect a certain amount of reliability and ease in finding the information and services they are looking for. If your website falls short of any of these expectations, you can be sure that you've lost your audience and they won't be returning.

The Bad and Ugly

Slow-Loading Pages and Images That Aren't Optimized for Web.
The average user expects a web page to load in less than one second. Quality code structure and optimized images can ensure that your web page doesn't fall victim to this pitfall.

What does this mean for you?
Businesses need to be heavily involved in these image-based platforms. Pinterest recently rolled out business pages that allow brands to take advantage of group boards, private boards and track user statistics. Even Instagram, a long-time mobile platform, took the leap to desktops by creating user web profiles, and it's only a matter of time before they offer business profiles like other major platforms.

Long, Irrelevant Flash Introductions
The user came to your site looking for specific information or content. A display of animated logos or swirly graphics that distract and irritate the viewer from the actual content is typically NOT appreciated. If you insist on using animated graphics be sure there is a message behind the display, and it ties directly to your core brand message. Also, be sure to utilize current web technologies such HTML 5.

Hidden Navigation or Confusing Site Structure
Anyone who visits your site should be able to identify the navigation and information hierarchy within moments of loading. Confusing navigation frustrates every viewer and will cause them to look elsewhere for information, instead of deciphering a maze of links. A general rule of thumb should be that no single page of content should be more than three clicks away.

Pop Ups or Intrusive Advertising
There is nothing more frustrating when web browsing than being bombarded with irrelevant advertising pop-ups that invade the general content of the site. While it's understandable that advertising has become an integral part of the online experience, these advertisements must be strategically placed and never intrude on the user experience.

General Error Messages and Broken Links
Nothing coveys the message of an unreliable company more that mismanagement of their online presence. If a viewer receives an error message, they can safely assume that other areas of the site are neglected and this is a reflection of the quality of the product(s). One missing link can deter any user to find a more reliable solution for their search.

While the previous points explain what not to do when developing a website, the following information will outline how to take advantage of current online trends and technologies that are setting the standard for quality communication in web design.

The Good

Be Sure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly
Over 20% of all web viewing is now done through mobile devices, such as phones or tablets. If your site is not mobile optimized, you have already lost 20% of your target audience. Custom mobile websites can be created to help capture this ever mobile audience, for example:

Content Is King
Accessibility and ease in finding the information you need is at the top of most web users' wish lists. This means that the website design must place a high priority on displaying the relevant content in a prominent location so it can be easily found by any user. Navigation must be easy to find and drive the site's structure. Example:

On-Brand Design
Too many times web design neglects the core brand principles of the company it's designed to promote, in favor of flashy web graphics that distract from the idea. It is essential that a website is displayed as a continuation of that brand's message and reinforces the concept behind the product or service. Web design should not deter from set print, advertising or signage standards already created for a company and should in fact strengthen these core brand principles. Example:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
You've heard the term before, now what does it really mean? SEO defines how easily a user can find your website with a simple search. Nearly 90% of people start their web browsing experience by using search engines, such as Google or Bing. If your website isn't displayed on the first page of these results, you've lost a valuable marketing tool. Disciplined and structured coding that utilizes effective meta data, and submitting your site to directories by professional designers can help optimize your site's search results.

When creating quality web design is your goal, be sure to apply these essential standards to ensure your brand is displayed to a wide audience in a highly effective manner that will consistently drive results.