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Create a Newsletter That People Want to Read

Email marketing is no new tool. In fact, it is one of the longest standing e-communication techniques out there. Starting in the early '90s, almost in sync with the invention of the Internet, email marketing has been a tried and true method of Business-to-Consumer marketing. So, how do you stand out in a medium that is so saturated?

Engage the Reader
The most important step in creating an engaging newsletter is getting the reader to open it. Familiarity is the number one reason why people choose to open emails that end up in their inbox. Make sure to use an email address and a sender name your customers will recognize. Be sure to incorporate your branding. The typical reader only gives an email a few seconds before they make the decision to either read it or trash it.

Provide Compelling Content
By signing up for your newsletter, the reader has already expressed an interest in learning more about your business. Make sure that the content you are providing is relevant, useful and interesting. And it doesn't hurt to offer a little extra incentive. Show appreciation for your loyal followers with a coupon or special offer.

Be Interactive
A newsletter is the perfect opportunity to not only share news or information, but also to navigate your readers to other online resources, such as your website and social media. One method of re-directing traffic from your newsletter to another page is by presenting partial content with a link to "read more ..." elsewhere. This content can include anything from an article, a recipe, photos, an upcoming event and more.

Don't Get "Spammy"
When establishing e-communications, come up with a schedule for your newsletter. One to two well-timed interactions a month will do a lot more for your business than three to four. On the same note, don't throw together a newsletter just because you are scheduled to. Quality will always win over quantity.