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The Do's and Don'ts of Infographic Design

Infographics are everywhere, with an endless supply of them shared on social media sites such as Pinterest. The tips below aim to increase the chances of your graphic attracting attention amid the sea of designs.

Do tell a story with the stats
The first step in creating an infographic is to analyze the information you are given to visually represent. Evaluate why the infographic matters and create a story from the content. It is vital to draw the user in through the graphic and include a conclusion. It is also important to simplify any information or terms that would be confusing, to guarantee its efficacy.

Do create a visual hierarchy
Identify and present the hero or hook statistic that leads the story. Aim to display this material in a compelling way and make it a focal point. Viewers are more apt to care about an infographic if there is an "a-ha!" fact that's apparent.

Don't rely on typography
Strong typography is wonderful, but don't use it as a crutch. Before relying on typography, ask yourself if there is a visual way to represent the same information. A tip offered by Smashing Magazine is to keep all typography on a separate layer and periodically turn it off to ensure that the graphics are still easily interpreted without the help of type.

Don't confine yourself
There are numerous resources available for non-designers to create line graphs and pie charts. Developing customized charts and graphics that both fit within the theme of the content and communicate effectively is the goal. Additionally, creating a wireframe structure is helpful when laying out content, but don't be afraid to break a linear structure with callouts to create a more effective story.

Do use color effectively
Color has the power to either greatly enhance a design or render it illegible. To use color to your advantage, stick with a maximum of three colors that carry different weights and utilize shades of these colors. Because a majority of infographics are viewed online, also make certain that the colors you've chosen read well on screen.