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Social Media Tips
By: Michelle Lew


Everyone is using social media in one way or another, whether you realize it or not. Being on Facebook to stay in touch with old friends is still considered using social media. What most users don’t realize is that social media sites are public websites and a future employer, or even worse your parents, could be watching you! Don’t get caught in a social media landmine or a legal bind. Here are some tips from the Alternative Strategies team to get the most out of your social media while avoiding any disasters.

Don’t post photos you wouldn’t show your mother.
The great thing about social media is to be connected. If you are not a web guru, check out other people’s new content and comment on their blog to get the communication flowing.

Share your latest find with others...it could be a hidden treasure!

Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want your boss or future boss to see…you never know where your social media will end up!

Know your audience – ensure your message is properly communicated to your target audience.  Think of their wants/needs instead of your own when forming your call to action. 

Facebook is good for people you’d actually hang out with or call a friend. Twitter is better for strangers or acquaintances, and LinkedIn should be strictly for business contacts.

Check your privacy settings! The best way is to see how public your page is, is to log out of the site and see how much you can view as an outsider!

A good rule of thumb is to place yourself in someone else’s shoes and see if they would be offended or embarrassed by what you’re about to post. You’re always better off safer than sorry!