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5 Common PR Mistakes

When it comes to marketing communications, public relations is generally not as well understood as advertising. Simply put, with advertising, you buy space or time. You have something specific whether it’s a billboard or a radio commercial.

PR is far more subtle because it relies on securing media coverage that works to enhance the public’s recognition and confidence in your business or profession. It is rarely quantifiable.

This month we thought we'd give you a quick PR lesson by sharing the 5 most common mistakes businesses make in regards to public relations.

Not planning ahead.
A lot of businesses have natural "tie-ins" to things that occur throughout the year. Figure out your strategy at least 6 months in advance.

Writing bad press releases.
If you're going to write a press release, get help from the professionals. If you decide to go it alone learn the basics first, make it interesting and don't forget the contact info.

Not returning media calls. Often the media is on a tight deadline. If someone calls you from a magazine or tv program, make it your first priority--you won't get a second chance.

Fumbling your big break. Always be prepared and practice what you're going to say. This way you won't sound confused or rehearsed.

The professionals.
Lastly, if you engage the help of professionals you should always keep them informed of what's going on with your business; even if you feel it may be insignificant.