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Building Customer Relationships

Times are tough. The reality is that many companies are struggling to stay afloat, which means that you can be sure businesses are pulling out all the stops to beat out their competition. Clients readily terminate investments with companies who treat their relationship carelessly. Building a good rapport with your customers has twofold benefits that none can afford to ignore—first, your clients will feel that their investments have been well spent, and second, your business will gain the trust of people who will help it to thrive.

Show Appreciation
Thanking your customers for investing their time and money in your enterprise is essential, especially during these difficult financial times. A hospitable attitude will not only put your clients at ease, it will show them that you value their business, which will encourage further interactions in the future. Don’t underestimate the power of saying a sincere “thank you.” Depending upon what type of client it is, your appreciation can be expressed with a simple verbal acknowledgement, or with a more intimate handwritten card.

Know Your Customers By Name
Personalize what could otherwise be a very formal client-salesperson interaction by using your customers’ names in conversation. In addition to addressing clients by name, taking the time to learn a bit about each client will help customers view your business as an ally and friend whom they wish to support.

Build Confidence in Your Company
In order to solidify a positive relationship with your clients, your business must strive to be trustworthy. That means communicating honestly, caring about your clients’ concerns, and executing plans in a timely and accurate manner. Once a sense of trust is established, customers will go out of their way to do business with your enterprise.

Clarify Contracts and Agreements

In order to prevent complications, your business must clearly convey to clients what it is, and isn’t responsible for. Clients must fully understand what your company’s role is right from the start—contract dates, charges, and any important details that they may need to know about how your business operates, or the product(s) they are receiving from you should be outlined immediately to avoid misunderstandings.

Engage With Your Customers
Ask your client plenty of questions. Constantly strive to think like your client—put yourself in their shoes and you will be able to satisfy their needs more effectively. Frequently ask questions about what your client is envisioning and expecting from you. Set aside time every day to follow up with customers to ensure that they feel comfortable and know that you care.

Think Like The Client
Ask yourself what your client wants from you. In doing so, you are gaining insight into their expectations and putting yourself ahead of the game when it comes to meeting their vision.

Be A Problem Solver
Anticipate potential problems before they occur and communicate them to your client. This will help both parties to be prepared in the event of complications.

The Importance of Fresh Eyes
Be your own set of new eyes. Approach each project as unique and singular. Don’t assume that you know your client in and out before taking the time to determine what they are looking to achieve. Treat each client as if he or she were your only one, for this is how they should feel.