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[ Bragging rights ]

Our Expanded Office

Miley Cyrus and her wrecking ball ain't got nothin' on the Alt Strat crew, as we took turns gripping a crowbar and, in only a few minutes, managed to tear down the wall separating our office with the one next door.

With our recent growth in both clients and staff, Alternative Strategies has grown so big that we've outgrown our old office space. Now, we are excited to announce that the expansion and renovation of our new office space, conveniently located right next door to our "old" office in Mission Valley, is complete.

As always, our very own William Lopez's great eye for interior design and decorating helped a lot in turning the before dull and white office space into a creative and colorful working environment. In true Alt Strat fashion, the new office spaces are decorated with unique design objects, bright hues and creative solutions. Not only do we now have a lime-green wall that is both magnetic and chalk-friendly, we are also celebrating our new conference room, equipped with a large wall-mounted computer screen, and a new office lobby covered in grass walls. Don't worry all you pollen allergy sufferers. It's fake, we promise.

Now we have plenty of room to spread our wings and let creativity take flight!

Click here to view more photos of our office.