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Alternative Strategies E-newsletter/E-blast Services
By: Jen Hoskote


As the world of print dwindles in the shadow of the Internet, companies are trying to find ways to recreate the medium as to avoid complete extinction. Two successful alternatives are the E-newsletter and E-blast.

For starters, the E-newsletter and E-blast is far less expensive than print and is accessible to anyone, consumer or not. They’re also a great way of staying in touch with customers, keeping them informed of current news, trends, and resources available to them. Further, “eServices” are great way to link your clients to one another, generating awareness and the possibility of partnership.

Electronic newsletters and blasts allow you to control more than just your message. By sending E-newsletters directly to your target markets simultaneously, you eliminate the hazard of your message being chewed up and spit out by the rumor mill, such as your competition. They also create a viral effect, having the ability of being forwarded effortlessly and immediately.

In addition, frequency is a notable benefit; a recurring newsletter positively reinforces your branding efforts, keeps multiple audiences in the loop, and allows followers to interact with your company directly. Including captivating graphics can also lead to greater readership and higher response rates; creativity ranks high among prospective clients thus putting you ahead of the competition.

By keeping current as the world changes and technology shifts, you send the message that moving forward and progressing is a valuable asset to a successful future. Embracing and taking advantage of new marketing strategies is an easy way to differentiate your company, helping retain and acquire new clients. Internet services, such as eNewsletters and eBlasts, prove to be simple yet effective practices to help the well-being of your business and that of your clientele.

Alternative Strategies is now offering eServices: check out some of our past E-newsletters and current E-blasts to see how we’re capitalizing on modern marketing practices.