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Tips for a Professional Bio

You've heard this saying before, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

As the business world continues to evolve, the demand to engage with potential employers, future business partners or anyone considering working with you requires that you maintain an impressive biography. Not so long ago, having a resume and simply being good at your job was enough to get you the attention you needed. Today's professionals should be equipped with an arsenal that includes social media platforms--such as Twitter and LinkedIn--and a professional, well executed biography.

Establishing an online presence and utilizing an informative bio allows potential clients, employers, partners and others to swiftly assess your qualifications and background. Consider your bio a personal sales pitch with the audience as your consumer and the objective being a presentation of you.

Similar to a resume, a bio is an ever-evolving document. Update it with professional accomplishments and career highlights to create an informative biography that truly stands out. Here are some tips:

1.) Start with your Professional Title
Describe your current role or the position you hold to help identify yourself in the business world. This is a great way to catch your readers' attention because it specifically defines your expertise. To help you outline your professional title, what are five key words your target audience would type into Google if they were looking for someone with your skills and expertise? For example, your bio could read something like this:

Roy Patton is an award-winning professor, author of the Bill Maher-recommended book, Our Toxic Economy, and associate director of the Alumni Economics Association at Yale University.

2.) Build Credibility with Credibility.
Your bio needs to make clear why someone should, or would, want to work with you. Stating where you've previously worked, mentioning recognizable clients or your connection with a respected organization all helps speak to your abilities. Informal credentials are important to include as well; for example, if you are a restaurant owner without a culinary or hospitality-related degree, but grew up with a family of gourmet chefs--this would be the best possible information to include.

3.) Emphasize Your Achievements.
If you or your work has been featured on a major website, published in an industry magazine, or cited on a news outlet--now is the time to mention it. If you haven't been on the Today Show yet, that's okay. Acknowledge any accolades that you've received, well-known venues where you presented, or VIPs with whom you have worked with in some capacity, and you've added third-party validation to your profile to establish trust.

4.) Be Unique.
Giving readers a glimpse of your work philosophy, vision and overall mission is a prime opportunity to showcase what makes you unique and describes just exactly how you stand out from everyone else with similar experience. Allow the audience to envision what it'd be like to collaborate with you; talk about the good side of your personality and the positive energy you will bring with you.

A well-executed bio will put you one step closer to gaining the attention you need to make a positive first impression in our ever-fluctuating business climate. Make yours shine!