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Influencer? I just met her...

How to reach Gen Z through Influencer Marketing

When you are looking for a new outfit, recipe, or vacation spot, where is the first place you look? Do you look at magazines, ask friends what they enjoy or even head to the mall? For Gen Z, it is all about what their favorite influencers are endorsing. In fact, 44% of Gen Z have made a purchase decision based on a social influencer compared with 26% of the general population.

What makes Gen Z so attracted to influencers and influencer marketing? It is simple, Gen Z had one of the more unique childhoods, being born into the age of the internet. They did not grow up in a time without Google, smart phones, or social media, giving them a huge range of information and different perspectives. In fact, in 2020, the top social media apps used by Gen Z were Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Snapchat. The popularity of social media combined with Gen Z's willingness to listen to the opinions of influencers indicate that mobile marketers need to develop an influencer marketing strategy to reach that demographic.

So how do you implement influencer marketing into your own business? Below are our top five Influencer Marketing Strategies.

  1. Focus on Engagement Rates: We have all heard the expression "quality over quantity." The same concept applies when looking for the right influencer. Engagement rates play a key role in Instagram's algorithm, so the better the engagement, the better chances of your product being seen by new customers.

  2. Utilize Micro-Influencers: Micro-influencers are people who have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers. They are not quite celebrity status, but their personable pages allow them to have a stronger relationship with their followers than would a typical influencer. They usually specialize in a specific niche area and are seen as experts in their topic.

  3. Create Relationships: At the end of the day your partnership with your influencer should be just that. Creating a happy and collaborative working relationship with your influencers helps ensure a smooth and happy promotion. It will also allow a more natural referral process to other influencers and fans looking to work with you, or buy your product.

  4. Focus on Diversity and Inclusion: The increase in social activism has given light to the lack of diversity in influencer marketing. There needs to be a fair representation in influencer marketing to ensure maximum reach of all fans.

  5. Stay local: Unless you are a brand willing to ship all over the United States, keep to local influencers. There is no point in booking influencers whose fan base is halfway across the world. Look for local hashtags, competitors, and other influencers' followers to build your partnership list.